Our Intent Statement
At Campton Academy we intend that all of our children will become mathematicians who work fluently, have competency with reasoning and problem solving, and possess resilience as learners and really enjoy their maths!
What are our key ideas for Maths Mastery learning at Campton Academy?
- All children can learn to do maths well and become confident learners-we have high expectations for everyone in maths.
- Problem solving is at the heart of our approach-our children learn to identify, understand and apply relevant mathematical principles and spot patterns and relationships and make connections in their learning. Paired talk helps the children clarify their thinking about the concept they are learning about.
- Key learning points or small steps are used in our units across all year groups, using White Rose maths as a scheme that supports our maths mastery approach. They are designed to elicit deeper understanding and better retention of a concept.
- Depth before breadth time is taken to deepen conceptual understanding by taking the time to explore, understand and apply ideas.
- Children develop their understanding through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources and activities, which help them see, explore and demonstrate mathematical ideas, enriching their learning experience so their understanding is deeper.
- Growth mindset Children will develop their resilience as learners by having the chance to notice, explore, make connections and discuss ideas regularly in the supportive environment of their class, where mistakes are useful learning opportunities and practise and effort is valued.
- The use of Mathematical language helps to transform learning. We expect our pupils to use appropriate vocabulary (which has been planned for and carefully taught) and full sentences to explain how they know.
- Children will have the opportunity to apply their maths skills across the curriculum and in real life contexts in class and through planned enrichment days.
How we will implement this?
If you visited a classroom what would you see?
- Our children will be taught in mixed ability classes by their class teacher
- Children enjoying maths! Maths learners who are engaged and enthusiastic in what they are doing
- All children, regardless of ability, enjoying their maths learning and feeling they ‘can do’ maths well
- Daily fluency opportunities for all our learners. In EYFS and KS1 mastering number is used and in KS2 activities such as TT rock stars, daily 10 and flashback 4 are used to develop fluency and revisit and consolidate concepts taught through the year.
- Effective questioning and opportunities to talk will help the children deepen their understanding, make connections to what they know and apply concepts they are learning about
- Children will have opportunities to work independently, within pairs, or as a group depending on the task set - this will be dynamic depending on their needs and the task
- A wide range of concrete manipulatives are available in every classroom, are accessible for children to use as directed or independently, and children are familiar with using these to develop their understanding and support their working
- Children are encouraged to use the correct mathematical vocabulary and reasoning skills when answering questions (answering using complete sentences).
- Children will be confident in their articulation about their learning, use mathematical vocabulary appropriate to their developmental level. Group and paired talk will be seen
- Before lessons, support staff will discuss with class teachers how to maximise support during lesson times
- Through their time at the school, children will develop their written calculation methods in line with the calculation policy so they show progression in skill over time and use CPA mastery approach
- Working walls are used to display strategies that are being used and may include the key vocabulary being taught in the unit being covered.
Learning activities and planning:
- White Rose long term plans are used to ensure coverage and progression of skills from year R to Year 4- these are in line with N.C. requirements
- Practical/concrete and reasoning/problem solving activities and opportunities, as well as fluency are provided in each lesson
- While white rose smalls steps planning is used, lessons may be adapted or additional lesson content added to meet the learning needs of the class, especially in areas where gaps may have been identified due to the impact of lockdowns and C19. Flashback 4 and ready to progress documents and math mastery support documents (NCETM) may help with lesson design.
How we will monitor the teaching and learning in our school?
- Regular marking and feedback is evident in books and is also provided verbally during lessons
- End of unit assessments using white rose resources are completed after a unit is completed.
- Regular pupil progress meetings ensure all pupils are meeting their potential and that children who are struggling are identified for intervention quickly.
- Learning walks and lesson observations
- Monitoring of books alongside white rose small steps
- Pupil voice-so the children have a voice in their maths learning
- Data- teachers and SLT work together to identify what we need to focus on /plan interventions for and how we can provide this in the best possible way.
How will we meet the different needs of all our children?
- Children with SEND will predominantly be covering the curriculum content of their year group. Their learning will be appropriately supported through the use of models, scaffolds, practical apparatus and additional support from adults. Their targets will focus on a gap in their learning and will be recorded in their IEP which will be reviewed regularly (at least termly). Additional work will be set to support the child in meeting this target during intervention times and will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly. This will involve a collaboration between the teacher and TA who supports them.
- Children should have the opportunity to explore their understanding at a greater depth through: open ended tasks, reasoning and problem solving and investigations. As part of the mastery approach lessons should provide all children with these opportunities but also provide challenge for more able children who work at a faster pace.
- Children who are identified with gaps due to the pandemic impact will be identified and targeted for intervention. Our curriculum has also been designed to address missed learning for all our children.
- New starters who join our school are assessed quickly by teachers and any gaps are effectively addressed through intervention so they can access our curriculum fully and make good progress.
- Ready to progress documents are completed by all class teachers and used at part of handover at the end of the year so teachers have a good idea of strengths and areas for development and can use this to plan for their children’s learning effectively in the coming year.
Homework and home based learning:
- Parents feel confident to ask their child’s class teacher if they are not sure about a concept and have clear signposts to where they can find information that will help them support learning
- Parents have a clear idea of how Numbots (Y2) and TT Rockstars (Y3 and Y4) is being promoted by the school and how they can supported this at home.
Staff CPD
- Where possible half termly staff meetings for teachers to meet and discuss planning/resources/what is needed.
- Staff meeting/INSET time allocated as needed to complete objectives on action plans
- Subject leader and two KS1 teachers are receiving training from the Maths Hub for Mastering number
- When a new concept is introduced this is explored as a staff working group during staff meetings and then implemented through gap tasks and feedback sessions.
- Mr Stupple (Maths lead from BEST) will support the subject leader staff with maths development in our school and work with staff in areas identified with them.
The impact of our mastery curriculum at Campton Academy
- Our children will feel that they ‘can do’ maths regardless of their starting point
- Our children are good at noticing patterns and making connections with present and past learning as this is part of their daily curriculum at our school.
- Our children will feel that they are capable at problem solving and will able to tackle problems using a variety of different strategies
- Our school will have learners who enjoy maths and can link their learning with other areas of the curriculum through enrichment opportunities
- Our children should be able to articulate and demonstrate their deeper understanding using the CPA approach and explaining their mathematical thinking individually and as talk partners.
- Our children will make good or accelerated progress across the school regardless of their starting points.
- Our children will be well prepared for the onward journey to middle school when they leave us at the end of year 4 by us liaising effectively with their feeder schools.